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Member & Registration Benefits

Associate Membership

  1. Register Derivative horses

  2. Attend NZAHS Meetings & Events (no voting rights)

  3. Receive Monthly Member Update (email)

  4. Receive Annual Year Book (printed)

  5. Free Stud and/or Stallion Directory listing in Annual Year Book (printed)

  6. Free listing in Member Stud Directory (electronic)

  7. Access to Stud Book Pedigree App (Android mobile or PC desktop)

  8. Eligible to receive Derivative Roll of Merit and NZAHS Annual Awards

Full & Junior Full Membership

  1. Register Purebred & Derivative horses

  2. Attend NZAHS Meetings & Events (Full members voting rights, Junior Full members no voting rights)

  3. Receive Monthly Member Update (email)

  4. Receive Annual Year Book (printed)

  5. Free Stud and/or Stallion Directory listing in Annual Year Book (printed)

  6. Free listing in Member Stud Directory (electronic)

  7. Access to Stud Book Pedigree App (Android mobile or PC desktop)

  8. Eligible to receive Purebred Roll of Merit, Derivative Roll of Merit and NZAHS Annual Awards

Benefits of a NZAHS Registered Horse

  1. When you purchase a NZAHS registered horse you can be assured of the authenticity of its bloodlines

  2. A NZAHS registered horse recognises the commitment the breeder has made to preserve the purity of the Arabian horse – the horse is registered for life and must compete under the name chosen by the breeder at registration

  3. NZAHS registered horses are eligible to accumulate points for the Purebred or Derivative Roll of Merit programme

  4. NZAHS registered horses are eligible to accumulate points and be nominated for NZAHS Annual Awards

  5. NZAHS registered horses are eligible to compete at NZAHS "A" and "AA" Graded shows including: NZ National Arabian Championships, North Island and South Island Arabian Championships 

  6. NZAHS registered horses are eligible to compete in the Arabian Section at RAS affiliated A&P Shows

  7. NZAHS registered horses are eligible to compete in the Flying Horse Arabians in Dressage League

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